People are familiar with stories of actor showcases where people and/or parents are asked to pay thousands of dollars and their dreams will come true. There is always a catch phrase, in particular to parents where false promises of getting their children in Disney productions. What a brilliant hook and the mindset of ‘shut up and take my money!’ ensues.
In fact, I did believe it, I was a child filled with ambition, wonderment and naivety. Fortunately, for me, I happened to be picked up by four different agencies; each agent informed me that I did not have to pay any money to get an agent; all that was required was a head shot, resume and demo. Fast-forward some years ahead and all of the information I have applied as an agent the last five years would have been beneficial at my tender young age those years ago.
I have seen some positive, but predominantly the negative side of showbiz when I was younger; parents pushing the dream of stardom on their children and often times after a showcase, none of those children are selected or landing agents. Perhaps during that time, potential Canadian talents were not well educated on the reality of showbiz and I plan to be a part of that change.
I wanted to become an agent so I can bring out the positive side of Canadian showbiz, and amplify the success for our homegrown talent. The process is not easy, it is a huge challenge that I plan to rise to the occasion. If it is your dream and you work hard for it, you will reap the rewards.
Before I became an agent, I was in band management for Keyotone and Ian Quick for shows. It was fun to tour with the band, and experience their shenanigans; I was the ‘damage control’ and ensured the band did not get into too much mischief, at least until after shows. I thoroughly enjoyed booking The Horse Shoe Tavern in Toronto in 2009. Through the band management endeavor, I discovered I have the gift for gab; I was able to help artists find gigs, which made me a valuable asset.

In 2011, I started working for Top Talents Inc. and Tiny Talents. I was hired out of Vancouver from a phone interview. I had no idea how to start being an agent, but through research and application, I learned on my own. The beginning was a challenge starting out with only five clients, but it has been very rewarding. Many are still with me now in 2016, and I have moved on to full ownership of my own agency; The Meus. Each one of my clients from novice, to seasoned actor, have booked TV series and the sky is the limit to their careers. I could not be happier for them.I become very emotional when I see them perform. I am proud of their accomplishments and I am so grateful that they have trusted me all these years as their agent.
Now I have an amazing team which I’ll talk about in my next blog and represent 137 people. I even hired another agent Lorina Herbert to manage out west as we are slowly building there.
The most important value for my company is to keep it positive and keep it like a family. We all work together whether it is carpooling from Ottawa to Toronto, rehearsing sides, or helping out in video auditions. We are a team-based company. All of us have been working very hard in the beginning of 2016 and I can’t wait to see what we will all accomplish next.