Sometimes breakdowns get slow. It doesn’t meant that your agent isn’t submitting you. It just mean literally there are no auditions for your character. Sometimes that happens. During summer actors feel like there is going to be a big rush on things but usually it tends to slow down and picks up more in the fall. It has its ups and downs yearly. Here are 15 tips from people in the industry for encouragement.
Dana Schiemann. Working Actress.
“The most important thing I tell my actor friends when they’re feeling bogged down from lack of bookings or auditions, is to keep going. Rejection is a part of our job! Don’t dwell on it, but think of it as a learning tool. And the best thing we can do for ourselves is to keep a positive attitude and mental state. That always helps. “
Brendan Mertens, the first indie filmmaker from Ottawa to sell a film (GHOSTHEADS) directly to Netflix as an exclusive. Brendan is curtly wraps on his second feature length film (THE MIKE STAND), starring the legendary Canadian Comedian Mike Macdonald, along with Howie Mandel, Andy Kindler, Bob “Super Dave” Einstein and Marc Maron
” Everyone gets a turn on the ride, never be discouraged. Everyone gets a turn on the ride, never be discouraged. Never quit, give up, or meltdown because someone else will grab your role when you do that. Good things are disguised as hard work. You are in the industry of NO, so keep going until you get a YES. “
Joyce Rivera. Working Actress.
“Look at any free time you have between auditions as a chance to develop yourself, take classes and get involved in creative projects. You’ll see how much stronger and prepared you’ll be and that will put you ahead of the competition each time.”
Ron Leach, Casting Director
“Actors need to know that Casting Directors go through slow patches too. For Casting, slow times mean catching up on filing or looking for new clients. For the artist it’s well spent studying; updating resumes; and networking. If you do the work, you get the work! When the busy times return.”
Candice Lidstone. Working Actress.
“I never let this industry beat me down, no matter what. Anytime I’m ready to throw in the towel, something amazing happens that just sucks me back in. I look at it as the universe trying to tell me something. … and let’s be honest – the universe knows best.”
Gloria Mann. Casting DIrector
“It’s not always the busy season. When it is your agent is suggesting you. When it is slow as it has been for me, TAKE CLASSES AND LEARN YOUR CRAFT. “
Pascal Aka. Professional Actor and Filmmaker.
“As an artist building your personal and professional brand, you have to remember to keep your roots in the right place, your roots are your passion, and roots are covered in dirt. When you are in the dirt and the storm, that is where you will discover yourself and grow into your own tree. Never give up, your struggles are part of the recipe that makes you.”
Jessica Perez. Professional Hair Stylist.
“Never be afraid to chase what your scared of- reach for the stars.”
John Stevens and Dough Sloan. Talent Inc Canada
Doug Sloan: “The busiest actors I know never stop training. NEVER. There is always something new to add to your actor’s toolbox. That’s why we love offering one-day workshops that are easier for adults to fit into their busy schedules. This still allows actors to build their professional resume without encroaching on their personal or professional lives with too much of a time commitment. So I guess what I am really trying to say is, there are no excuses.”
John Stevens: “I think every good actor should always have a good book about the business on hand. They are great for the slow times, commutes, waiting rooms and holding areas and make good use of downtime. It is also a great way to keep your momentum going even when finances are low. My two favorite recommendations are “No Acting Please” by Eric Morris and Joan Hotchkis and the other book I highly recommend for all actors is more of a workbook and it is called “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. “
Richard Groen. Filmmaker and Producer
“The goals you strive for are more rewarding than the regrets you leave behind.”

Sue Beattie. Actress and Voice Artist.
“Always put your best foot forward. You never know who you’re about to meet or who a new acquaintance might know. You very well could be at ‘the right place at the right time’ and not know it!”
Emily Darling. MakeUp Artist and Stylist
“At the end of the day all you have is yourself and your dreams, so be kind to yourself and use the resources you have to follow your dreams.”
“If you smell your own fart and you gag, it’s time to see to see your local physician”
Lisa Meuser. Talent Agent, Filmmaker, and Canadian PlayWrite.
” Love yourself. If you love yourself it will be present in your work and you’ll book more. Always show up and act. Do your art and that will make you happy. If you are a creative person and not doing your art you’ll loose yourself. Color, Craft, dance, sing karaoke, or take class. Do art to keep you sane and live to your fullest. “
Lisa Meuser
Talent Agent
Thank you to everyone that contributed to this!