7 Weekly Tips For Audition Success

- Train. Take a workshop, study a scene with a friend, work on a new accent, or develop a special skill. Do something new weekly. Develop your craft. Training is endless. The actors that train are the actors that book jobs. Keep a journal and keep track of your development.
- Surround yourself by positive people. Acting is hard career but if it’s your passion you need to surround yourself by people that support your path and not push you away from it.
- Healthy body. Healthy mind. Keep active. You may have to do a running scene someday.
- Discuss how you can improve your portfolio with your talent agent. Don’t be afraid to communicate with her/him they want you to succeed! Really listen to their advise and follow through on it. If they request you to change your head shot and you don’t and complain you are not getting auditions….usually it’s because you need to change your head shot.
- Don’t regret auditions. Always do your self tapes. You never know who is watching. They are not optional auditions.
- Go to a local event where you can meet film producers and casting directors. Always good to be seen.
- Watch and study the shows that you audition for. Understand the directors style and what they want to see in the room.
These weekly tips will help you with your success!
Talent Agent
Lisa Meuser